One Piece Bingo

a bingo event for the one piece fandom ✨

days until carrd requests close

    What is a bingo?

    A fandom bingo is a challenge in which every participant receives a "bingo" card with different prompts and they may create content based on the prompts until they get a bingo.

    How does it work?

    Every participant will receive a bingo card with 24 different prompts. Then you have to create a piece based on the prompts. You can do them one by one or combine multiple ones, the choice is yours! Once you complete a vertical, horizantal or diagonal row you get a bingo!

    Who can participate?

    Anyone can participate!

    What content is accepted?

    Anything is welcome from fanart to fanfics, moodboards, gif sets, edits or anything else. The point of this event is to encourage creation!

    How do I get a card?

    You will have to complete this form and we will contact you with your card.

    What is the schedule?

    You can find the schedule and designated deadlines here.

    Will NSFW be allowed?

    Sure! Just please tag it appropriately so that when we retweet it, people who are not interested in that type of content may be able to avoid it.

    How can I see the works of other participants?

    We will retweet and reblog every piece you tag us in! In addition, there is a collection for your fics on AO3 and discord server if you want to interact with other participants.

    How does a bingo card look like?

    Like below! Prompts are randomised and each card will be different. More bingo sizes available this year!


    4x4 no free space



    @enmavibe on twitter!


    April 20th: Prompt Submission Open
    April 30th: Card Requests Open
    May 1st: First Cards Sent/Creation Begins
    June 1st: Card Requests Close
    July 31st: Event ends

    *note: submissions are still allowed after the end of the event. the twitter and tumblr accounts will still be active to share all creations posted after this date.